Licht im Osten – Missions- und Hilfswerk

Design and development of a new website for the Light Mission and Relief Organization in Eastern Switzerland.

Custom Design
Search engine optimization (SEO)

Identify support options. Fast page speed.


A fast website with an animated map and clear content was required. Visitors should quickly find their way around and see how they can help out in practice.


Sponsorships are only available for selected projects.


Light in the East has the function of assigning sponsorship to each project individually, then all call-to-action buttons automatically change to: “Become a sponsor” and lead to the registration form for a sponsorship.

The variety of projects was bundled with top and sub-projects; not enough information was available for every sub-project. It is now easier for visitors to find their way around.

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"We really appreciate Samuel's targeted approach and his open communication style. He works extremely fast, uncomplicated and brings creative ideas that our upgrade your website."

Ilona Kummer

Lead communication